Young's double-slit interference with nondegenerate biphotons | Abstract
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Young's double-slit interference with nondegenerate biphotons

Author(s): Jun Xiong, Shuang Wu, De Jian Zhang, Hai Bo Wang and Kaige Wang


In classical optics, Young's double-slit experiment with colored coherent light gives rise to individual interference fringes for each light frequency, referring to single-photon interference. However, two-photon double-slit interference has been widely studied only for wavelength-degenerate biphoton, known as subwavelength quantum lithography. In this work, we report double-slit interference experiments with two-color biphoton. Different from the degenerate case, the experimental results depend on the measurement methods. From a two-axis coincidence measurement pattern we can extract complete interference information about two colors. The conceptual model provides an intuitional picture of the in-phase and out-of-phase photon correlations and a complete quantum understanding about the which-path information of two colored photons.

Young’s double-slit interference is one of the most fundamental and important e�?ects in physics, and the first experimental observation established the wave nature of light. In the early days of quantum mechanics, the phenomenon was regarded as a single-photon e�?ect, and it still is the best example to illustrate wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle and complementarity. Richard Feynman described the double-slit experiment as one “which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery ”