Yield and economics of groundnut as influenced by levels and ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus application in Northern Transition Zone of Karnataka , India | Abstract
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Yield and economics of groundnut as influenced by levels and ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus application in Northern Transition Zone of Karnataka , India

Author(s): Shiva Kumar, L., Radder, B. M. and Malligawad, L. H.

The groundnut cultivar JL 24 was tried during 2012 with eleven ratios of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P2O5) fertilizers with potassium level as constant (25 kg K2O ha-1) at UAS, Dharwad. The yield attributing characteristics, dry pod yield and economics were increased due to increasing N/P fertilizer ratios from 0.00 to 1.00. The treatment receiving N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.50 (30 kg N, 60 kg P2O5, 25 kg K2O ha-1) produced significantly higher dry pod yield (3310 kg ha-1), 100 kernel weight (38.50 g). Maximum gross monetary returns and net monetary returns (Rs. 1,25,780 ha-1 and Rs 1,01,426 ha-1) and highest B : C ratio of 4.16 in the treatment receiving N/P fertilizer ratio of 0.50 (30 kg N, 60 kg P2O5, 25 kg K2O ha-1) produced higher kernel yield (2441 kg ha-1). as compared to all other treatments and control (Rs 83,372 ha-1 and Rs 62,904 ha-1) B: C ratio was recorded is lowest (3.07).