Why students are not attending into classroom? | Abstract
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Why students are not attending into classroom?

Author(s): Maryam, Yaghoobi, Ali Navidian, Atefe Salaritabas, Hamid Salehinia, Mahin Amini, Roghaieh Keykha

The mission of the School of Education, Innovation, and Continuing Studies is to create and sustain communities of informed and critically reflective practitioners. This study was conducted to determine why students are not attending into classroom? This study is of descriptive-analytical type and was conducted in Zahedan University Of Medical Sciences in 2013.60 academic members of the university were selected among the academic staff understudy. To collect data,24 question questioner which was reliable and valid was used. The questions were drawn up taking educational planning, teacher’s performance, and position of the major in the society and personal and family problems of the students into consideration. The data was analyzed using SPSS21 software. The finding showed that the reason for student’s absence from the point of view of academic staff of the university, personal and family problems, position of the major in the society, teacher’s performance and educational planning were the reasons for the student’s absence respectively in order of importance. Considering the importance of student’s attendance to classes, considering the students’ educational and social problems, review of the educational programs, seems necessary to promote the educational quality.