Water quality monitoring- Study of seasonal variation of rotifer and their correlation with physicochemical parameters of Yashwant Lake, Toranmal (M.S.) India | Abstract
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Water quality monitoring- Study of seasonal variation of rotifer and their correlation with physicochemical parameters of Yashwant Lake, Toranmal (M.S.) India

Author(s): Ekhande A. P., Patil J. V., Patil R. D. and Padate G. S.

Seasonal variation of rotifers density and species richness was studied of Yashwant Lake. This reveled that the density of rotifers was maximum in summer, while it was minimum in post- monsoon. Maximum species richness of rotifers was recorded in summer Minimum species richness was recorded in winter. The rotifer community structure depends on a variety of environmental factors that include biological parameters, such as predation or competition, as well as various physico-chemical factors.