Utilization Natural Zeolyte From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support in Degradation of Congo Red and A Waste Simulation by Photolysis | Abstract
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Utilization Natural Zeolyte From West Sumatera For Tio2 Support in Degradation of Congo Red and A Waste Simulation by Photolysis

Author(s): Zilfa, Rahmayeni, Upita Septiani, Novesar Jamarun*, Muhammad Lucky Fajri

Zeolite Clinoptilolite-Ca was successfully supported TiO2 in synthesis TiO2/Zeolyte as photo catalyst in degradation of Congo Red 20 mg/L and a waste simulation of Congo Red under UV light irradiation 365 nm. TiO2/zeolite were characterized by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The result of FTIR showed the structure fungsional of TiO2/zeolite not change before and after degradation. The XRD patterns showed TiO2/Zeolyte photo catalyst were successfully formed, it proved with the highest peaks at 2 θ = 24.9500, which were corresponded to anatase peaks and 26.5940 to SiO2 peaks. The percentage degradation showed 20 g TiO2/Zeolyte degraded Congo Red 20 mg/L under UV light irradiation 365 nm with 60 minute reached 94,23 % and a waste simulation of Congo Red reached 85,14 %.