Using C14 isotope in determining sedimentation rate in nonÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â??turbulent aquatic environment | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Using C14 isotope in determining sedimentation rate in nonÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â??turbulent aquatic environment

Author(s): Maryam Zare Khosh Eghbal1*, Fereydoun Ghazban2, Frood Sharifi3

Sediments sequences provide a wealth of useful information to research concerning ancient environment and climatic changes. Non–turbulent aquatic environments including wetlands are remarkable instances to generate these sequences. Determining their sediment age in conjunction with other information, one can attain considerable information. By specifying existing living creatures ages in these deposits, researchers can obtain sedimentation rates. In the present investigation, four sediment cores from the selected regions in Wetland Lake were taken. Subsequently, making the use of fragments of mollusks shell preserved in sediments, their ages were determined using AMS C14 method. The obtained age was an isotopic age. In order to calibrate the variation to calendar age, Ox Cal V4 software was utilized. Using the relationship between obtained age and depth out of AMS C14, sedimentation rate was determined in wetland. It was also determined that the average sedimentation rate in Anzali Wetland has annually been 0.6 mm following radio carbonic methods.