Use of a new nanosized photocatalyst BaO3TiO.SrO3TiO for degradation of Azure B: An eco friendly process | Abstract
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Use of a new nanosized photocatalyst BaO3TiO.SrO3TiO for degradation of Azure B: An eco friendly process

Author(s): Shamta Nihalani, Ankita Vijay and Shipra Bhardwaj

Colours are widely used in different industries like textile, plastic, yarn etc. When not consumed these are excreted in environment polluting it. Efforts in present work are made to remove these pollutants through photo catalytic degradation process using a new semiconductor BaO3TiO.SrO3TiO. The optimum conditions were extracted by varying pH, concentration of dye, amount of semiconductor, intensity of light etc. The process follows pseudo first order rate law which is confirmed on kinetic parameters. Formation of nontoxic degraded products like NO2, CO2,H2O etc makes the process of immense importance. Participation of OH* free radical was confirmed by use of scavenger.