Three-dimensional displacement of the center of gravity during the sprint start | Abstract
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science


Three-dimensional displacement of the center of gravity during the sprint start

Author(s): Saeed Ilbeigi and Bart Van Ghelewe

The purpose of this study was to identify the three-dimensional position of the body CG during the sprint start. Additionally, it was also the aim to investigate the influence of age and some selected anthropometric parameters as skeletal muscle mass (SMM), corrected thigh girth (CTG), corrected calf girth (CCG) on the position of the CG. Sixty Flemish (30 boys and 30 girls) young elite sprint athletes (from 11 to 18 years old with a mean age of 14.7 ± 1.8 years and 14.8±1.5 years for boys and girls respectively) volunteered. Classical student T-tests and ANOVA ׳s with Scheffé post hoc test were used for the detection of significant differences between subpopulations. The result indicated that the horizontal distance of the centre of body mass (CG) from the starting line, as expected, was found to be shorter for young sprinters as compared to adults. However, the height of the CG, unexpectedly this time, was comparable with adult sprinters. Moreover, athletes with higher age and skeletal body mass showed a higher CG position which was also closer to the starting line at the set position. Moreover, the boys and girls did not present any significant difference in the position of their CG during sprint start, except for the oldest boys displaying a significantly higher position of the CG in the set position.