Thermally Stimulated Luminescence Studies of Silicate Minerals | Abstract
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Thermally Stimulated Luminescence Studies of Silicate Minerals

Author(s): K. Ankama Rao, Sk. Parvin Niyaz, N.V. Poornachandra Rao andK.V. R. Murthy

The present paper reports the thermally stimulated luminescence studies of silicate minerals. The trapping parameters and order of kinetics have been investigated. The thermoluminescence (TL) studies of chert and the TL peak of quartz at various heat treatments and irradiations were recorded. 1100C, 3250C, 3750C peak of quartz under different experimental conditions have been investigated. Trapping parameters involved in the process of TL glow peaks were examined within the framework of kinetics formalism. Natural TL results show that the glow peaks of quartz relevant to dating follow a non first order kinetics.