The relationship of physical punishment with aggression and educational failure in children | Abstract
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The relationship of physical punishment with aggression and educational failure in children

Author(s): Banafshe Hasanvand , Mohammad Khaledian ,Ali Reza Merati

The objective of this study is to examine the relationship of physical punishment with aggression and educational failure in children .The studying society in this research included the whole guidance students of khoram Abad in branch 2 ( 6150 subject) in the academic year of 89-90. The sample including 360 participants were selected based on the Kerici- Morgan table and using cluster random sampling. To collect data, Buss & Perry aggression questionnaire ( BAQ) includes 29 questions and the author questionnaire includes 14 questions and the student’s second semester averages were used . To analyze data, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test and variance analysis were used. The results showed that there is a relationship between punishment with aggression and unsuccessful education of the students. Aggression in people depends on the range of physical punishment. Physical punishment has more effect on aggression. There is a positive relationship between physical punishment and unsuccessful education and there is a negative relationship between physical punishment and parents’ education. In addition, there is a negative relationship between physical punishment and the economic state of family.