The Production of cellulase by liquid state fermentation of five different mycoflora and optimization of using saw dust | Abstract
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The Production of cellulase by liquid state fermentation of five different mycoflora and optimization of using saw dust

Author(s): Madhanraj, P., Ambikapathy, V. and Panneerselvam, A.

Meghamalai forest soils are found to be rich in cellulolytic organisms. The physicochemical parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil pH and organic matter present in soil with the growth of microbes. From the soil sample (Grazed, disturbed and undisturbed soil) different type of fungus were isolated and identified. They are Aspergillus niger, Curvularia lunata, C. geniculata, Penicillium lanosum and Neurospora crassa. Among the fungi, the cellulolytic activity the fungal species were inoculated onto CMC with congo red medium and showed clear zones around the colonies. The 2% substrate sawdust which was suitable lignocellulosic biowaste and major carbon source for cellulose production. The environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, pH, organic carbon and organic matter were produce the potential of the rate and extent of cellulose utilization, so optimizations of conditions were studied for all five fungal strains. The cellulase activity was assayed by Dinitrosalicylic (DNS) and Filter Paper assay (FDA) method, in which FAD showed increased maximum enzyme activity. The partial purification of cellulase enzyme was carried out by salt precipitation. The salts present in concentrated protein solution were removed by dialysis. After dialysis the samples were assayed for cellulase activity and also for protein estimation.