The influence of types of toilets used and personal hygiene on the prevalence of helminthosis among primary school children in Zaria, Kaduna State | Abstract
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The influence of types of toilets used and personal hygiene on the prevalence of helminthosis among primary school children in Zaria, Kaduna State

Author(s): Adanyi C. S, Audu P. A, Luka S. A. and Adanyi D. N.

Stool samples were carried out to determine the influence of some factors on the prevalence of helminthosis among primary school children in Zaria between March, 2007 and Febuary , 2009. Faecal Samples were collected from 1,204 children from ages 6-12 years in 20 primary schools randomly selected. The samples were processed using formal ether concentration techniques. Of the 1,204 children examined. 690 (57.3%) of the study population were infected with helminthes. The factors like toilet facilities and personal hygiene were found to influence the prevalence of helminth parasites.