The effects of pesticides on total protein amount and peroxidase activity in Capsicum annuum L. varieties | Abstract
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The effects of pesticides on total protein amount and peroxidase activity in Capsicum annuum L. varieties

Author(s): Bahar GOK and Cuneyt AKI

In this research, two pesticides were sprayed on twelve weeks old plantlets of Capsicum annuum L. varieties grossum and longum which growth in vivo conditions. Insecticide was sprayed to the leaf in recommended dose, two and four fold doses (0,2-0,4-0,8 ml/L) and fungicide  was sprayed to the leaf in recommended dose, two and four fold doses (2-4- 8 ml/L) with twelve week interval for two times. Changing of protein and peroxidase [EC] levels in both varieties which is grown under in vivo conditions were compared after 48-96 hours after second application of pesticides. All of the experiments were realized tree times.Changing of peroxidase activity levels in Capsicum annuum L. varities  in  seedlings after pesticides application was compared with control groups. . Capsicum  annuum L. var grossum seedlings POX activity increased 170,2%, 48 hours after 0,4ml/L dose of insecticide application. POX activity increased 161,6%,  48 hours after 4m/L dose of fungicide application.  Capsicum  annuum L. var longum seedlings POX activity increased 96,6%, 48 hours after 0,4ml/L dose of insecticide application. POX activity increased 89,2%, 48 hours after 8m/L dose of fungicide application. According to our research results, both of the plant activators significantly increased POX activity in both plant varieties according to the exposure time