The Effectiveness of Mother-Child Relational Enrichment Training on Mother�¢����s Personal Wellbeing and Family Function | Abstract
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The Effectiveness of Mother-Child Relational Enrichment Training on Mother�¢����s Personal Wellbeing and Family Function

Author(s): Mohammad Jafar Daneshjoo; Shiva khalili, Masoud Gholamali Lavasani, Ghasemali Khoshnod and Samira hoseinpour

The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of mother-child relational enrichment training on mother’s personal wellbeing and family function.This study was a quasi-experimental research (pre-test and post-test design). Forty mothers of high- school student were selected randomly and assigned to control and experimental groups (each group included 20 mothers). Mothers of experimental group participated to 8 instruction sessions of relational enrichment. Instruments were psychological wellbeing questionnaire and family Assessment Device (FAD). Theresultsshowed that mother-child relational enrichment training had significant effects on personal wellbeing of mothers (p <0.05).The independent t-test showed thatthis method of instruction had not improved family function amongmothers (p > 0.05), but this instruction had significant effects on subscales (communication and affective responsiveness).