The effect of the anticoagulant rodenticide �?¢�?�?��?�?Brodifacoum�?¢�?�?��? on the bioindicators parameters in male rabbit | Abstract
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The effect of the anticoagulant rodenticide �?¢�?�?��?�?Brodifacoum�?¢�?�?��? on the bioindicators parameters in male rabbit

Author(s): Hichem Maamar, Leila Mallem* and Mohamed Salah Boulakoud

The effect of the anticoagulant rodenticide “Brodifacoum”on the bioindincators parameters inmale domestic
rabbits was investigated.Animals were dividedintofourequal groups. The first one served as a control while the
otherthree groups weredaily treated by Brodifacoumwithdoses of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 mg/kg of body weight. The
rodenticide was administered per os for three weeks after which the animals were sacrificed.The obtained results
reveal animportant decrease in body weight in treated groupsparticularly in those treated with the highest dose
(0.04 mg/kg), whilean increase in the weight of liver was observed, associated with a marked reduction in the weight
of spleen and kidney, compared to thecontrol one.Besides,levels of biochemical parameters were also significantly
altered.The same observations were made concerning hematological parameters and plasmatic calcium levels in
treated animals.Accordingly, it has been concluded thattreatment with Brodifacoum at the used doses and period
may alter hematological and biochemical parameters in male rabbits.