The effect of probiotics on growth performance of broilers | Abstract
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The effect of probiotics on growth performance of broilers

Author(s): Roozbeh Shabani, Mehran Nosrati, Faramin Javandel, Ali Ahmad Alaw Gothbi and Hamed Kioumarsi

After the FDA ban on fluoroquinolones from being using in poultry over concerns that it was a driving force behind antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the use of probiotic bacteria has become increasingly popular for improved nutrition. The aim of this study was to assess the effects on growth performance by introducing three kinds of commercial probiotics, to the diet of broiler chickens, commercial strain, 308 vertexes in Iran. For this purpose, chickens were divided into four groups include: (a) control group, without probiotics, (b) experimental group containing Protexin, (c) experimental group containing Primalac, (d) experimental group containing Calciparine. The effects of probiotics on growth performance were measured and results shows that feeding broilers with probiotics have significant effects (P < 0.05) on average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR), while it appeared insignificant on daily feed intake (DFI). However, the results of this research reveal that that feeding chicken broilers with these probiotics have positive effects on growth performance of chicken broilers. Thus, the use of these probiotics is highly recommended.