The effect of NaCl on the growth and Na+ and K+ content of barley (Hordeum vulgare, L.) cultivares | Abstract
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The effect of NaCl on the growth and Na+ and K+ content of barley (Hordeum vulgare, L.) cultivares

Author(s): Mahdi Yousufinia, Alireza Ghasemian *, Omid safalian, Asadollah Asadi

In order to investigate the effect of salt stress on growth and sodium and potassium ion content of barley (Hordeom vulgare, L.) plants, four cultivars were subjected to salinity levels (control, 50 and 100 Mm) in hydroponics. Salt stress was imposed to cultivars in root establishment stage (4 leaves). Results showed that under stress condition, growth of seedlings decreased dramatically. Ion content of barley cultivars changed in salinity conditions. Na+ concentration were increased with increasing NaCl levels, whereas K+ concentration and K+/Na+ ratio were decrease with rising of the NaCl level. Significant differences were observed between barley cultivars for various salt tolerance-associated traits under salinity stress. The results clearly showed that Lisivy cultivars had the highest salt tolerance compared with the other three.