The cytotoxicity of different plant extract on chick embryo fibroblast cell line | Abstract
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The cytotoxicity of different plant extract on chick embryo fibroblast cell line

Author(s): S. B. Kakad and A. J. Dhembare

This present work described the chick embryo cell line fibroblast toxicity on control and induced cells. Observation
was made on selected plant extract on fibroblast during 2013-14 under laboratory condition. Twenty plant species
were selected for their establishment and three species were found high percent viability such as Tinospora
cardifolia (82.33%), Plumbago zeylanica (76.66%) and Withania somnifers (69.81%). Species Crosandrin
fundibulformis (23.07%) and Cathranthus rosae (18%) were reported lowest viability. The viability varies species
to species and discussed.