The correlation between height and weight with performance on AAHPERD TEST among 9-18 year old boys | Abstract
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The correlation between height and weight with performance on AAHPERD TEST among 9-18 year old boys

Author(s): Mohammad Shahin, Mohammad Esmaeil Afzalpour, Zynolabedin Fallah and Hamid Janani

The correlation between height and weight with performance on AAHPERD test among 9-18 year old boys in Qayenat (Iran) was aim of this study. Due to objective, realistic and regular characterization of the existing properties, the method of the present study is descriptive-correlational. From among the research population, a number of 300 participants (30 people at each age level) ranging in age from 9 to 18 years were randomly selected. Following the measurement of participants' height and weight, their physical fitness was tested using AAHPERD test so as to investigate the correlation between height and weight and performance in the six batteries of AAHPERD test including sit-up test, 540 m run test, pull up test (modified version), 4×9 m Agility test, 45 m sprint test and 2 Hop Jump. Then AAHPERD tests were administered to the participants in selected schools with assistance provided by physical education teachers. Correlation tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed a significant correlation between participants' height with performance and between participants' weight with performance of participants.