The awareness of the resident of Calabar municipality on the adverse effect of bleaching creams on the skin surface | Abstract
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The awareness of the resident of Calabar municipality on the adverse effect of bleaching creams on the skin surface

Author(s): Gabriel U. Udo-Affah, Eru M. Eru, UNYIME E. Etim and Kelechi C. Uruakpa

Skin toning or bleaching is a process of changing skin complexion by reducing the synthesis of melanin pigment in the body. This could be done by using cream containing bleaching agent such as hydroquinone, steroids and mercury. This study aimed at elucidating the awareness of the adverse effect of bleaching cream on the skin. This research was done using questionnaire, titled ‘’ cosmetic application analysis questionnaire’’ which was distributed to residents of Calabar Municipality. The age groups studied were; group A= < 16, B= 16-25, C= 26-35 and D=≥ 36. The complexions studied were fair, chocolate and dark complexion. The result obtained revealed fair complexion with 80.2%, chocolate= 10.0% and dark complexion= 9.8%. The side effects observed were thin/ red skin/ stretch marks= 2.9%, darkening of skin= 1.4%. From the above result it showed that the Ibos among the ten ethnic groups were more affected (40.2%) and the Yoruba were the least (1.4%); and the proportion of males and females using bleaching creams in Calabar Municipality was significant. The result also shows that greater percentage inhabitants of Calabar were unaware of the adverse effects of bleaching cream and more people bleach.