The attitudes of coaches and managers toward talent identification in Wushu athletes | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


The attitudes of coaches and managers toward talent identification in Wushu athletes

Author(s): Arghavan Jalali Farahani, Hossein Sepasi and Mahvash Noorbakhsh

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of managers and coaches toward talent identification in Wushu athletes. A total of 110 Wushu Federation’s managers and coaches participated in study to identify the Wushu elite athletes. The participants required to respond to a questionnaire that measure technical information, anthropometric, physical fitness and their subscales in two disciplines of Wushue, Taolu and Sanda. First, to make sure that the homogeneity exists between of the studied groups, the results of Levin Test indicated that there is homogeneity and convergence between the variance of the variables of the two groups. Then, Multivariate Analysis of Variance, MANOVA, was used to compare the attitudes of managers and coaches toward the factors that they think are serious in elite identification in Wushu sport. The results indicated both managers and coaches conformed that technical information and its subscales are very important elements in elite identification in Wushu sport. It means that no significant differences were reported between their attitudes. However, when the managers and coaches asked about the importance of two factors such as anthropometric and physical fitness in elite identification in taolu and sanda, two major components in Wushu sport, the findings showed that their attitudes were different. The difference was significant at p<0.05. Thus, based on the findings of the present study, it is recommended that the authority of Wushu Federation takes into account the dimensions which managers and coaches consider important in terms of talent identification of wushu athletes in their future planning.