Survey fatty liver syndrome in cattle in Kermanshah province | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


Survey fatty liver syndrome in cattle in Kermanshah province

Author(s): Amir Parviz Rezaei Saber, Saman Fashkhorani and Ali Hassanpour

Fatty liver is one of the major metabolic disorders that in early lactation stage, almost in half of dairy cows that were calved several times, causing a mild or extreme to be involved. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of fatty liver syndrome, with the evaluation of levels of serum NEFA, Glucose, triglycerides, and albumin in the dairy cows of Kermanshah region. Dairy cows sampled in four groups based on pregnancy status of 1-8 months pregnant, 8-9 months pregnant, giving birth less than a month ago and they were divided into more than one month before their delivery. Levels of serum NEFA, Glucose, triglycerides, and serum albumin were determined spectrophotometrically. The results of the study showed highly significant differences among the groups in terms of NEFA there and most of them are in cows that less than one month gone of their birth. Also, triglyceride and glucose levels were significantly different between pregnant cows and not pregnant ones, but according to our results the levels of the amount of albumin there was no significant difference between the four groups under the study.