Superbug NDM-1: A global health problem | Abstract
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Superbug NDM-1: A global health problem

Author(s): Sharad Kumar Suthar, Alex Joseph, Sandeep Lohan and Angel Treasa Alex

The worldwide emergence of NDM-1 positive, multiresistant Enterobacteriacae have created a major global health problem. The NDM-1 can catalyze the hydrolysis of a various antibiotics including the latest generation carbapenems, which are often referred as the last line of antibiotics active against multiresistant gram-negative pathogens. Also there are few antiobiotics in pipeline active against gram-negative microbes and none that are active against NDM-1; presents a serious threat to antibiotics therapy. We are suggesting a rational use of antibiotics with an implementation of stringent policy for the prescription of antibiotics especially in the developing countries where antibiotics abuse is more common. The World Health Organization should also issue a guideline pertaining to NDM-1 positive, multiresistant Enerobacteriacae.