Study on a Miniature Salt-less Solar Pond | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Study on a Miniature Salt-less Solar Pond

Author(s): Mervette El Batouti

A simple miniature saltless SP has been devised and constructed in the present work, which consisted of a plexiglass container of square cross-section, inside of which cruciform baffles were suspended in the upper half of the pond, and a copper coil tubing was fitted in the midst of the lower zone, to function as heat exchanger, that does not disturb the inertia of the water in the pond. Different variables were investigated for their effect on the temperature rise of the water at different vertical locations in the pond, which included the presence or absence of cruciform baffles, the inclination of a mirror fixed at the top rim of the pond, presence of a black dye to colour the water, climatic conditions, presence of glass wool (GW) in the lower section of the SP. An approximate energy balance was conducted for an experiment, for which the thermal storage efficiency was computed.