Study of birds of Yashwant lake with respect to densities, species richness and Shannon Wiener indices and its correlation with lake dynamics. | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


Study of birds of Yashwant lake with respect to densities, species richness and Shannon Wiener indices and its correlation with lake dynamics.

Author(s): Ekhande, A. P*., Patil, J. V*. and Padate, G. S**.

Toranmal Plateau is a quantum part of Satpura Mountains forming the cultural transition with its trijunctional location between Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat States of India. Densities, species richness and Shannan Wiener indices of resident, resident migratory and migratory species of birds were studied over a two years period at higher altitude Yashwant Lake at Toranmal plateau. Maximum bird species were found to utilize the water body in the winter, while minimum in monsoon. Though the water body is utilized by the resident birds throughout the year the bird populations were maximum during winter due to the presence of migratory birds. The overall low densities and species richness of birds at Yashwant Lake may be due to its location at higher altitude.