Studies on asthma and allergic rhinitis among occupational hazardous workers in and around Pollachi | Abstract
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Studies on asthma and allergic rhinitis among occupational hazardous workers in and around Pollachi

Author(s): S. Manohar*, K. Sivanandhan, A. Michael and R. Selvakumaran

Between 200 to 300 Million people around the glob suffer from Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis and the number is increasing. India has an estimated 15 to 20 million asthmatics, with a prevalence rate of 10 and 15 percent. In order to find out the prevalence rate of allergic diseases among occupational hazardous workers in and around Pollachi, an epidemiological study is conducted in industrial areas Surya Spinning Mill and Shri Dharma Shastha Coir Industry along with Dr.K.Sivanandhan. Blood samples are collected and analyzed using IgE ELISA kit. A total of 113 workers, Surya Spinning Mill 94, Shri Dharma Shastha Coir Industry 19 are examined clinically, data are collected using a questionnaire and blood samples are collected and analyzed and tabulated. It is found out that prevalence rate of Asthma and Allergic rhinitis in Surya Spinning Mill is 12.7% and in the Coir Industry it is 15.8 percent. The results showed that the prevalence rate of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis are within 10 to 12 percent as in the case of urban and rural area. From the above study it is also proved that just exposure to dust or smoke or coconut husk alone will not cause Bronchial Asthma or Allergic Rhinitis.