Studies in North Indian Aloe vera: callus induction and regeneration of plantlets | Abstract
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Studies in North Indian Aloe vera: callus induction and regeneration of plantlets

Author(s): M. I. S. Saggoo, Ramandeep Kaur

Aloe vera L. is a versatile medicinal plant with many cosmetic properties. Shoot disc explants of Aloe vera plants were cultured on MS medium with different phytohormonal supplements for callus induction. It has been concluded from the study that the best medium for callus induction is 1mg/l 2, 4-D+ 0.2mg/l Kinetin and subsequently for shoot proliferation medium is MS + 0.2mg/l BA + 0.2mg/l IBA. For rooting MS + 0.3mg/l NAA gives best result. Plants were regenerated from the callus. They were hardened, acclimatized and transferred in garden soil. Regeneration of plants from callus may help to induce variability in the Aloe germplasm for future improvement.