The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and social capital with the organizational learning of the physical education teachers. This study is a descriptive- correlation survey. The research population consisted of all the Physical Education teachers of Isfahan province who were 1172 individuals, and 314 of them were chosen stratified randomly as the sample size. The tools used in this study were Podsakoff et al [2000]’s organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire, social capital based on SCAT model and organizational learning based on Senge model [1990], whose reliability were obtained 0.88, 0.84, 0.91, respectively. Statistical analyses indicated that there is a significant positive correlation coefficient [r = 0.569, P = 0.01] on the level of [0.05] between organizational citizenship behavior and social capital with organizational learning. Since organizational citizenship behavior and social capital contribute to the improvement of organizational learning components, particular attention should be paid to this capital and its impact on the improvement of organizations; also, the weaker aspects of social capital among physical education teachers in organizations must be identified and strengthened so that we can make the best possible use of it to improve organizational performance.