Standardization of Fear of Success Scale in College and High school students | Abstract
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Standardization of Fear of Success Scale in College and High school students

Author(s): Jafar Afshinfar, Hassan Aminpoor, Ali Mostafaei.

The purpose of this study is to standardize the fear of success scale on high school and college students in West Azerbaijan Province, to see whether the fear of success scale possesses enough reliability and validity and also how many factors the scale include. This research is applied by nature and also exploratory from another perspective. Goad and Goad’s fear of success scale was administered to 647 subjects. In order to calculate the reliability of the scale and its validity, Cranach’s alpha and factor analysis including main component analysis and Warimax rotation was used respectively. Those items which had correlation coefficient lower than 0.30 were removed from final version of the scale. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 18. The reliability of the fear of success scale (29 items) was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha (0.69). This scale can be used to identify high school and college students’ fear of success. The result of the index for KMO (0.754) and Kory Bartlet (529.1811) was statistically significant at the level =0.001. The factor was derived by main component analysis (PC) which includes 32.71% of the total variance of the scale. It can be concluded that people’s fear of success is due to their unawareness and a sense of inability. By training and educating people, it is possible to reduce the fear of success among the students.