Standardization of crab bottom set Gillnet for reduction of Bycatch at Thoothukudi coast, Tamilnadu, India | Abstract
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Standardization of crab bottom set Gillnet for reduction of Bycatch at Thoothukudi coast, Tamilnadu, India

Author(s): Anirudh Kumar, B. Sundaramoorthy and Jitender Kumar Jakhar

A programme to assess the bycatch of Thoothukudi crab bottom set gillnet was conducted from May, 2010 to April,
2011. The resulted bycatch of this net was 79.37% (19.17 kg), 69.29% (17.66 kg) and 81.10% (16.58 kg) at North
cost, Proper cost and south coast of thoothukudi respectively. Sea grass constitutes the major part of bycatch of all
the three coast of thoothukudi where south coast is on top position with 52.72%. In these cost different sizes of crab
gillnet are operated i.e. maximum in Thoothukudi (250 m) and minimum in south thoothukudi (70 m). The hanging
coefficient of crab gillnet is same in north, proper and south coast of thoothukudi.