Staff, infrastructure, amenities and academic achievements of the high schools of Chipata District, Eastern Province of Zambia | Abstract
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Staff, infrastructure, amenities and academic achievements of the high schools of Chipata District, Eastern Province of Zambia

Author(s): S. Tamilenthi, K. Mohanasundram and V. Padmini

School plays major role in the society for the Education, Economy, Environment, formation of culture and manpower to nation. The School which has got sophisticated and produces the good result then its attracted many students. The same not much facility, poor quality of teaching and poor results of examinations is less attractive. In this context staff, infrastructure and amenities are equally contributes for the better study environment and academic achievements too. The African country of Zambia has taken for the study as one of the researchers was in the study area from April to Sep, 2011. The sample of 20 high schools was taken for this study using stratified random sampling method. The questionnaire was converted into numerical data state in order to analyze the status of high schools. The high schools were analysed with reference to staff, infrastructure, amenities and achievements. The data was analyzed by using SPSS software. The appropriate results were drawn to indicate the deficiencies and suggestions to improve is to address to the school inspectors, Educational officers to take appropriate step to improve the quality of education in this country.