Somatic embryogenesis in different root segments of Punica granatum L | Abstract
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Somatic embryogenesis in different root segments of Punica granatum L

Author(s): Madhuri Sharon*, Shailja Sinha and Manisha Sharan

Three segments of roots i.e. root tip (the meristematic zone), root-middle (the cell elongation and differentiated zone), root base (near the root-hypocotyl junction) taken from in vitro germinated seedlings of Punica granatum L. var. Ganesh; showed differential response to various plant growth regulators when cultured in vitro on B5 medium. Addition of 2,4-D induced whitish grey globular callus from root tip, which on further subculture to 0.5 mg L-1 BA produced somatic embryos from the peripheral region of the callus. BA induced embryogenic callus in middle and base segments of root. Whereas direct somatic embryogenesis occurred in these two segments i.e. middle and base of the root when cultured on 2 mg L-1 Kinetin. NAA caused rhizogenesis in all the root segments. Differentiation of somatic embryos took place on B5 medium supplemented with 0.1 mg L-1 NAA + 0.5 mg L-1 BA + 2 mg L-1 Kinetin.