Relationship between learning organization and organizational commitment among employees of Sport and Youth Head Office of western provinces of Iran | Abstract
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science


Relationship between learning organization and organizational commitment among employees of Sport and Youth Head Office of western provinces of Iran

Author(s): Najaf Aghaei, Ali ziaee , and Shahnaz Shahrbanian

The aim of this cross sectional study was to determine the relationship between learning organization and organizational commitment among employees of Sport and Youth Head Office of western provinces of Iran. The sample population included 130 employees. We used two standard questionnaires including learning organization ofWatkins and Marsick (DLOQ) and organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer. The face and content validity of questionnaires were confirmed with experts and professors in the sports management field. Cronbach's alpha reliability test of DLOQ and organizational commitment were 0.96 and 0.88, respectively. Descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze data. Results showed that there were high and significant correlation between learning organization and organizational commitment (r= 0/5; P= 0/001). Also the relationship of learning organization with emotional commitment (r= 0/551; P= 0/001), and normative commitment (r= 0/460; P= 0/001) was significant, but the relationship between continuous commitment and learning organization was not significant (r= 0/156; P= 0/084). Regression analysis of seven dimensions of learning organization and organizational commitment showed that the highest standardized coefficient was seen in the fourth model, between “team learning” and “organizational commitment” (β=0/383) and the lowest effect coefficient was reported in the fifth model, between “dialogue” and “organizational commitment” (β=-0/247). The highest and lowest amount of variance in “organizational commitment” were explained by seventh model (seven dimensions of learning organization) (28/1%) and the first model (dialogue) (10/4%), respectively. Results of the current study suggest to the managers of ministry of Youth and Sports departments to strengthen and enhance their employees' commitment.