Regeneration Status in Logged and Non Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? Logged Forest Stands of Southern Caspian Forests | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Regeneration Status in Logged and Non Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? Logged Forest Stands of Southern Caspian Forests

Author(s): Yahya Kooch

With considering to importance of forest trees the effect of silvicultural system on structure and regeneration in logged and non – logged stands were investigated. Studied stands areas involve two sections of logged with shelterwood system and non – logged that were studied 10 years after logging. In order to study was installed 60 plots (with 1000m2 area) and 60 micro plots (with 100m2 area) by randomized systematically method. Diameter at breast height of whole trees, diameter at breast height, total height, bole height, crown height, crown small and big diameter for four trees that were nearest to center plot were measured. Under story covers were also, estimated. Results showed that there was significant differences between under story cover in two stands (p<0.01). Comparison of tree diameters (DBH) in two stands specified there was varied (p<0.05). Vegetation characteristics of four nearest trees to center plots show there were significant differences between DBH (p<0.05), bole height (p<0.001), crown height (p<0.01), basal area of diameter at breast height (p<0.01), volume (p<0.05) and there were not significant differences between total height, crown small and big diameter and crown area in logged and non – logged stands. Frequency comparison of species in plots showed there were not differences. Total regeneration in logged and non – logged stands had significant varied (p<0.01). Quality of regeneration in four classes weak, moderate, well and excellent show that there was significant difference (p = 0.05) in logged and non – logged stands.