Reducing the Dangers of Using Hybrid Rice in Slope Agriculture | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


Reducing the Dangers of Using Hybrid Rice in Slope Agriculture

Author(s): Stuart Anderson*

The Yunnan Province Honghe Hani Rice Terraces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a national symbol of China, are in danger of collapsing in some places. This study makes an effort to explore the reasons why this is occurring and what may be done to stop it. The potential drawbacks of recently introduced seed and water management technologies, as well as their specific impact on rice terraces and the people who depend on them, have not been thoroughly addressed in prior research. Field observations were triangulated with in-depth interviews with locals and a review of the scientific literature in order to gain a deeper understanding of the problem. To accomplish this, I spent time in China working with a translator in a crucial village that is regarded as the first in the region to successfully carve rice terraces and implement the necessary irrigation system on a steep slope. The findings suggest that while migration and the new seed and technologies do conserve water and enhance lives, they may also be endangering the region's ability to sustain rice terracing in the long run. The authors came to the conclusion that a comprehensive strategy was required and proposed a tactical plan to support ecological, social, and economic longevity. Further investigation into the viability of these resilience-building strategies in other hybrid rice-terracing locations, such as the Philippines and Vietnam, was also demanded.