Quantification of Famotidine and Ibuprofen in combined dosage form by FTIR spectroscopy | Abstract
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Der Pharmacia Lettre


Quantification of Famotidine and Ibuprofen in combined dosage form by FTIR spectroscopy

Author(s): P. Ravi Prasad, K. Bhuvaneswari, Murarilal and K. Rajani

A simple and rapid FT-IR method has been developed for the quantification of Famotidine (FAM) and Ibuprofen (IBU) in combined dosage form. The method involves the measurement of peaks of amine group (N-H) at 3400 cm-1 (FAM) and carbonyl group (C=O) at 1720 cm-1 (IBU). The calibration followed Beer-Lambert’s law in the range of 0.25-0.63mg for IBU and 0.01-0.025mg for FAM. The developed method was validated according to ICH guidelines for pharmaceuticals and found to be highly precise with high recovery levels (>99%).