Public Knowledge on Over the Counter Analgesics at Private Pharmacy Store in Makassar City Indonesia | Abstract
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Public Knowledge on Over the Counter Analgesics at Private Pharmacy Store in Makassar City Indonesia

Author(s): Rizqi Nur Azizah, Hendra Herman

Objectives: To determine the level of public knowledge of Makassar City on the use of Analgesics Over the Counter (OTC) drugs in the self-medication to pain treatment and also determined the role of the pharmacist in providing information about OTC to the community. Methods: This research is a quantitative approach cross-sectional study using a questionnaire which has been modified and validated. The sampling method used is incidental sampling by distributing questionnaires to the respondents that conducted in 3 Private Pharmacy Store in the city of Makassar. Result: From 215 questionnaires, 200 were filled in correctly and analyzed (respond rate 93%). Paracetamol generic is the most popular analgesic (54.5%) of the questioned respondent prefer it to relieve the pain (Headache). More than 53% of respondent did not know how to take medicine and 60.5% of respondent were not read brochure before taking medicine. The respondent more confidence with doctor and family recommendation than the pharmacist in consultation. Conclusion: The level of knowledge about the use of analgesic drugs Makassar city community still low and the role of the pharmacist as a source of drug information providers needs to be improved.