Protective role of Ascorbic acid on the lead chloride induced alterations in the Ascorbic Acid contents of the fresh water fish, Channa orientalis (Schneider) | Abstract
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Central European Journal of Experimental Biology


Protective role of Ascorbic acid on the lead chloride induced alterations in the Ascorbic Acid contents of the fresh water fish, Channa orientalis (Schneider)

Author(s): Borane Vijay Ramdas

Fresh water fishes, Channa orientalis were exposed to chronic dose of PbCl2 with and without ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid content from liver, ovary, kidney and gill were estimated. Remarkable decrease in Ascorbic acid content was observed in lead exposed fishes as compared to control. The groups exposed to heavy metals along with ascorbic acid showed increase in Ascorbic acid content in selected tissues than those exposed to only heavy metal. Pre-exposed fishes to heavy metals showed fast recovery and higher ascorbic acid contents than those which were allowed to cure naturally. The probable role of ascorbic acid is discussed in the paper.