Protective effect of spermatogenic activity of Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) in galactose stressed mice | Abstract
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Protective effect of spermatogenic activity of Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) in galactose stressed mice

Author(s): Rahul B. Patil, Shreya R. Vora and Meena M. Pillai

In recent years, population is facing many health problems like chronic non-communicable diseases like Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disorders and Reproductive disorders fro very early age. Urbanization and mechanization have changed the life style of the whole population which has resulted in greater exposure to pollution, high consumption of salt and fat containing food, low physical activity and stress. Withania may be having antioxidant property; protecting male reproductive organs from ROS and can avoid infertility. The overall findings may be helpful to the population not only to treat infertility but also to maintain normal sexual life.