Prospects and challenges of silver sulphide thin films: A review | Abstract
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European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research


Prospects and challenges of silver sulphide thin films: A review

Author(s): P. A. Nwofe

Silver sulphide (Ag2S) has been a subject of investigation over the years for possible applications in various optoelectronics, electronics and industrial applications. Materials cost, abundance of the constituents elements, and its efficiency in use are fundamental properties in selecting materials for use as absorber or window layers in solar cell devices, or other optoelectronic applications. This paper reviews recent published work on the subject of Ag2Sbased solar cells and nano applications. The reasons for the sudden interest in the utilisation of Ag2S by the scientific community for Ag2S solar cells and other applications are discussed; coupled with the crystallographic and optoelectronic properties, including Ag2S crystalline structure, defect formation and metal composition. This review paper focuses on Ag2S synthesis processes and device properties.