Prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) among pregnant women attending University Health Services (sick-bay) A.B.U. Zaria | Abstract
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Annals of Experimental Biology


Prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) among pregnant women attending University Health Services (sick-bay) A.B.U. Zaria

Author(s): Okeke, K. N., Ella, E. E*., and Jatau, E. D.

The study was aimed at determining the seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Virus carrier and infectivity status of carrier pregnant women attending University clinic. A total of 210 Blood samples were collected from pregnant women attending antenatal clinic, ABU Health Services and analysed for HBsAg using One step HBsAg diagnostic rapid test strip and the HBV profile determined by the One Step HBV Multi-5 Test kit. The overall positive samples were 9 representing a prevalence of 4.3% for the total sample analysed. In relation to staff status, the prevalence the junior staff was 4.8% with an overall prevalence of 1.4% while senior staff had a prevalence of 4.0% and an overall prevalence of 1.9%. Out of the 9 samples positive of HBsAg was found to be HBeV positive. The prevalence rate of HBsAg based on age group shows that 35-44years age group had the highest prevalence rate of 5.7% followed by 25-34years age group with 5.1% and 15-24years had only 1.8% while 45-54 age group has 0% prevalence. The screening of women should be encouraged at antenatal sessions and treated for HBV infections commenced when detected.