Prevalence of bacteria in frozen fish sold at Oja-Oba and Bodija Markets �?¢�?�?��?�?? Southwest Nigeria | Abstract
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Prevalence of bacteria in frozen fish sold at Oja-Oba and Bodija Markets �?¢�?�?��?�?? Southwest Nigeria

Author(s): Olusina T. Ajayi, Folasade O. Ajasin, Yewande P. Ajayi, Francis O. Sonibare, Matthew O. Ojezele, Oludolapo O. Abraham

Considering the erratic power supply in Nigeria, and poor means of transportation of fish, there is the need to
evaluate the quality of frozen fish sold in Nigeria open markets. Seventy-two frozen fish samples comprising two
different species: Sardine (Sardinella eba) and Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) were purchased at different
hours of the day, from six purposively selected fishmongers each in Bodija and Oja-oba markets. Total Viable
Bacterial Counts (TVBC) and Total Coliform Counts (TCC) were investigated. The TVBC and TCC of the fish
samples increase with hour of the day. It may be safer to purchase fish at midday. Though, the fish sold in both
markets were not wholesome for consumption, consuming fish sold at Oja-oba came with a higher risk of infection.
Since many of the fishmongers don’t know how to vend fish items in the most hygienic manner, there is an urgent
need to mount an intensive public health education on foodborne illnesses in Nigeria.