Presenting operational strategies for reducing drilling wastes as the first phase of waste management | Abstract
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Presenting operational strategies for reducing drilling wastes as the first phase of waste management

Author(s): Reza koorgol, 2Saeed Mahdeloei, Mohammad Hossien Porkareh, Pooyan Gholami Saman, Mohammad Javad Shakouri*

Considering the limitation of proper places for disposal of drilling waste, and negative effects of leaving the waste in the places on the public health and environment, a movement towards optimized management of wastes along with sustainable development is one of the major aims of developed and developing societies. The first step in optimized management of drilling waste is to reduce the waste during the drilling operation. In this article, first the management and operational strategies of reducing drilling waste in the drilling operations are presented. Then, the consequences of using any of management strategies in reducing of drilling waste are discussed and the solution for improvement of the structure of drilling waste management in the oil revolution of Iran is introduced to bethe privatization of drilling companies.