Gossypol, a herbal polyphenolic compound was reported to exhibit antioxidant, anti-parasitic, lowering plasma cholesterol agent, anticancer, anti-microbial, antiviral and antifertility agent but clinical uses of gossypol and its derivatives is still attracting more attentions and the complexity of its mechanisms of action are still questionable. This review summarizes most of all results of comprehensive studies conducted on anti-spermatogenic activity of gossypol obtained from all commonly known and published scientific research websites, journals and books. The
present research review discussed and re-evaluated critically the published data concerning anti-spermatogenic mechanisms of action of gossypol as promising male contraceptive agent highly in need to control male fertility, especially trusted based on its biological potentials of therapy and prevention of some human chronic and resistant diseases like cancers, and some sexually transmitted infections including Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This review is expecting to provide a new and deep understanding on pharmacological and toxicological effects of
gossypol based on its mechanisms of action supporting the highest emergency need of innovative development of
gossypol-based multipurpose contraceptives.