Plant reactions to vehicular contamination: explicit impact on photosynthetic shades of plants at divider of Highways | Abstract
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Central European Journal of Experimental Biology


Plant reactions to vehicular contamination: explicit impact on photosynthetic shades of plants at divider of Highways

Author(s): Venkatesh Patel*, Radha Mishra

The decorative plants, for example, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Caesalpinia pulcherima, Thevetia peruviana, Nerium oleander, Callendria brevipes and Tecoma gaudichaudi and so on planted along the divider ofroadway are chosen in the current work and see the impact of vehicle gases on photosynthetic shades, this impact has been concentrated by ascertaining Chlorophyll-a, Chlorophyll-b and, Total Chlorophyll.