Physical capability and general health and emotional intelligence | Abstract
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Physical capability and general health and emotional intelligence

Author(s): Davood Hosseinzadeh, FatemehKarimi, Zahra Abdolvahabi

This study investigated the physical capability and general health and emotional intelligence and boy and girl students in secondary school and provides practical solution for solving the above issues and promoting the general health of students is the research .methodology is descriptive. The sample included 632 high school students were boy and girls who were randomly selected. General health data collection tool emotional intelligence questions on subjects that have been implemented and capability to measure physical fitness students by the secretary of standardized testing education horde city of markazi province has been used. The results showed girls and boys in the field of general health action and social disorders and depressive symptoms in girls than boys. Basically .all students of general health have been at a low level. girls impairment social inter action and depressive symptoms significantly and the boys have adapted in boys and girls in social Adjustment and had the most difficulty in terms of emotional intelligence according to theme an of the two groups can be concluded that scores of male students in the components of happiness, their prosperity, optimism and flexibility significantly more female students, and this in terms of sympathy, while female students scored higher than male students have won .