"Particle of God" as insulting of the Divine Principle | Abstract
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"Particle of God" as insulting of the Divine Principle

Author(s): Robert A. Sizov*

The author's research has shown that fundamental magnetic poles (magnetic charges) are real structural
components of atoms and substance. It is the magnetic poles, and not the moving electric charges are the direct
sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. The main reasons that real magnetic charges
were "buried alive" in modern theories are the physics of its confinement in substance which is radically different
from the confinement of electrons, as well as the vicious electromagnetic theory (electric magnetism) of Maxwell
(1873). The vicious ignoring of real magnetic charges, as well as true anti-electrons in physical science for almost
150 years is responsible for the appearance of such global theoretical delusions as the curvature of 4-dimensional
space-time, explaining the nature of gravity, the global expansion of the Universe and the big bang. annihilation of
particles in the pairs particle - antiparticle and many, many others. The author's experiments have shown that the
gravitational field is the vortex electromagnetic field, and all varieties of Physical Mass (FM) are of the
electromagnetic atom-figurative structures, which are capable of emitting gravitational field. The masses are, for
example, atoms and nucleons. If magnetic charges are removed from the FM composition, then only electric particles
will remain in this “place” which themselves, without the participation of magnetic poles, are not able to form either
mass or gravitational field. All fundamental electric and magnetic particles are not and cannot become masses, and
even "God particles" cannot change anything here. The notion the famous Higgs boson and its main purpose - to
give mass to particles is of just a vicious theoretical fiction and a sad result of following erroneous electromagnetic
concept of Maxwell. In addition, there is no division of Masses into gravitational and inert ones. The concepts of
gravitational and inert mass refer to the same electromagnetic structure, called Mass, but they correspond to
different processes of interaction of its gravitational field with other masses (so-called gravitational mass) and the
environment (so-called inert mass). As for spinor particles, that is, charged particles, they have the property of
inertia, however, this circumstance cannot bind these particles with of a real mass.