Organic geochemical assessment of the source, depositional environment and migration trend of the oils in the Nembe Creek E1.0 and the Kolo Creek E2.0 reservoirs | Abstract
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Organic geochemical assessment of the source, depositional environment and migration trend of the oils in the Nembe Creek E1.0 and the Kolo Creek E2.0 reservoirs

Author(s): Selegha Abrakasa and Aminu Bayawa Muhammad

The quest for new frontier exploration partly rest on predicting the infilling direction and consequently the location of the hydrocarbon source kitchen. Geochemical concept such as the lateral hydrocarbon maturity gradient has been used to predict the migration direction of petroleum and the location of the mature source rocks. Molecular geochemical studies on oils from the E1.0 reservoir of the Nembe Creek and E2.0 reservoir of the Kolo Creek oil fields were carried out to assess the source, depositional environment and migration pattern of the oils in the reservoirs. The results indicate the oils have common source rock deposited in the estuarine environment with the organic matter mainly sourced from terrigenous biomass although there is evidence of marine & lacustrine contributions. The results further show that the Kolo Creek reservoir may be infilled from the direction of the Nembe Creek oil field which suggest source rock kitchen in the offshore. New exploration frontier appears therefore to be in the offshore deeper waters.