Occurrence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in some edible molluscs from Kalarugbani creek in Okirika LGA, River State, Nigeria | Abstract
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Occurrence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in some edible molluscs from Kalarugbani creek in Okirika LGA, River State, Nigeria

Author(s): Odu, N.N., Igwiloh, N.J.P., Okonko, I.O., Njoku, H.O.

The objective of this study was to determine the potentially pathogenic Vibrio species associated with Tympanotonus fuscatus (Periwinkle) and Crassostrea sp (oyster) and its habitants. The Vibrio counts ranges from 6.1x103 - 2.1X 104 for oyster, 5.7 x103 – 1.2x104 for periwinkle, 1.4 x103 -6.7x103 for sediments and 3.1 x103 - 1.2x103 for the overlying water. Statistical analysis for the Vibrio counts of REP, RSO, OLW and MFS showed a great significant difference at P<0.05 between the various samples and also at P< 0.05 there was a significant difference in the counts obtained for various months sampled. One-way ANOVA was used in comparing between RSO, REP and OLW, there was a slight significant difference at P<0.05, between RSO, REP, and MFS, there was also a great significant difference at P<0.05. The study confirms the risk associated with the consumption of these shellfish and the need for proper storage and preparation condition prior to the consumption. In addition, in order to prevent the health risks associated with these shellfish heat treatment has to be applied prior to consumption.