Numerical micro-modeling of masonry in filled frames | Abstract
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Numerical micro-modeling of masonry in filled frames

Author(s): T.C. Nwofor

Reinforced concrete frames are usually infilled by masonry walls, but in most design, the shear strength response of these walls is ignored. Hence the nonlinear numerical modeling of masonry infilled frames is one of the most complicated problems in structural engineering especially when such structure is under the influence of lateral loads. However previous experimental test results have indicated that infilled mansonry have a significant influence on the shear strength of the infilled frame, but this process is very expensive and time consuming. In this study a proper numerical model is made using explicit finite elements method to study the behaviour of the masonry inflilled reinforced concrete frames. The basic characteristic of this model is that the complexity which is attributed to the varying mechanical and geometrical properties, existence of joints as a source of weakness and the interaction between the reinforced concrete frame and infill is properly taking into account. In order to undertake this analysis, a suitable computer programme was also developed. To ensure the ability of this method to precisely stimulate the shear strength response of masonry infilled panel, results obtained from experimental test are compared with that obtain using this finite element method.